Why do we need to Embrace Imperfection?

Tavnish Kaur
3 min readSep 19, 2022


Why do we need to Embrace Imperfection?

Everyone wants to be perfect.

No relationship is left behind by the expectation that the other person should be perfect & that our work should be done in a certain way; if not, then it’s not good enough for us. Parents expect their children to be the best at everything; children expect their parents to give them all comforts of the world; husbands expect that wives should serve their parents, and mothers-in-law wish so much for daughters-in-law! Wives hope their husbands provide them with time; wives expect their in-laws to keep them with love; daughters-in-law expect their mothers-in-law to keep them with love!

In short, Parents want their kids to be perfect, and children want their parents to be perfect, spouses want their partners to be perfect, and so on.

But what if we’re not perfect? What if we’re far from it? Perfection can be intimidating, and sometimes we feel like we fall short of it — sometimes even in our own eyes.

But perfection is an illusion. It’s not something that can exist because no one is truly perfect: everyone has flaws, makes mistakes, and has room for improvement.

Parents should give their children space to grow and learn on their terms, without expecting them to perform all the time perfectly. Children should remember that their parents are human beings too, with feelings and needs just like theirs — and they shouldn’t expect their parents to give them everything they want right now! Husbands should remember that wives have their own lives outside of the home; wives should remember that husbands need space too; mothers-in-law should remember that daughters-in-law are people too; daughters-in-law should remember that mothers-in-law aren’t monsters.

We have to understand that every human being is imperfectly perfect in himself.

We all have our own set of strengths and weaknesses. The sooner we accept this, the better our lives will be.

We need to stop comparing ourselves to others and focus on improving ourselves instead of trying to make everyone else into a carbon copy of ourselves.

So let’s reject the idea that perfection is something that can or should be achieved by any one person or group of people. Let’s give up on this concept that there is a right way and a wrong way of doing things — because there isn’t! Let’s focus on progress instead of perfection, growth instead of stagnation, and making small steps forward instead of trying to do everything perfectly all at once!

You don’t have to be perfect to be loved.

